
O-Factor: The Challenging Children Podcast Series

Parenting doesn’t come with a manual… Our kids are our teachers, as much as we are theirs, and the lessons we can learn from children born facing challenges like #autism and #ADHD are amazing. Stay tuned for the first episode of #ChallengingChildren, when Ilana Gerschlowitz, founding director of the Star Academy joins the #OFactor to wave the flag for children and parents facing extraordinary challenges, as Ilana introduces us to autism and ADHD.

In this episode of “Challenging Children”, Olwethu Nodada, talks to Ilana Gertschlowitz, about managing your child in social situations. Children with developmental skill deficits will engage in challenging behaviours. We want to identify these skills and teach them to cope in social situations.

Ilana imparts life changing nutrition advice to help children with autism in part 3 of the “Challenging Children” series. The food that we eat plays a huge roll in autism and there is evidence linking the gut microbiome to developmental delays.

If you have a family member with challenging behaviour, episode 4 will teach you how to create an environment that will help them grow to their full potential by teaching them coping skills, and also how to develop your own coping skills to help you thrive in your own sphere.

In episode five Ilana suggests activities to do during the school holidays and things to take into consideration when choosing a suitable school placement.