Simple Spectrum Supplement
Why Simple Spectrum Supplement
The Simple Spectrum Supplement story is simple. Simple Spectrum is a dietary supplement designed to support children’s neurocognitive health and provide the nutritional needs of the developing nervous system by addressing dietary deficits. The formulation bridges nutritional gaps that are commonly associated with picky eating habits. We often see children with sensory issues and autism that have difficulty with certain food textures.
By addressing potential dietary deficits, Simple Spectrum ensures that children will receive their vitamins and bioactive compounds that are needed for healthy growth and maturation of their brains and neurocognitive function.
Created by a biomedical doctor and a behavior therapist this product provides the nutritional needs of the developing nervous system with extra support for individuals with autism by addressing dietary deficits.
We have scientific research backing up everything in our supplement. We use scientific research combined with clinical practices to nutritionally support kids with ASD.
Study Abstract [copied from the study]
“This study involved a randomized, controlled, single-blind 12-month treatment study of a comprehensive nutritional and dietary intervention. Participants were 67 children and adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) ages 3-58 years from Arizona and 50 nonsibling neurotypical controls of similar age and gender. Treatment began with a special vitamin/mineral supplement, and additional treatments were added sequentially, including essential fatty acids, Epsom salt baths, carnitine, digestive enzymes, and a “Healthy Gluten-free, Casein-free, Soy-free (HGCSF aka GFCFSF) diet. There was a significant improvement in nonverbal intellectual ability in the treatment group compared to the non-treatment group (+6.7 ± 11 IQ points vs. -0.6 ± 11 IQ points, p = 0.009) based on a blinded clinical assessment. Based on semi-blinded assessment, the treatment group, compared to the non-treatment group, had significantly greater improvement in autism symptoms and developmental age. The treatment group had significantly greater increases in EPA, DHA, carnitine, and vitamins A, B2, B5, B6, B12, folic acid, and Coenzyme Q10. The positive results of this study suggest that a comprehensive nutritional and dietary intervention is effective at improving nutritional status, non-verbal IQ, autism symptoms, and other symptoms in most individuals with ASD. Parents reported that the vitamin/mineral supplements, essential fatty acids, and HGCSF diet were the most beneficial.”
Effect of a vitamin/mineral supplement on children and adults with autism
Conclusions: Oral vitamin/mineral supplementation is beneficial in improving the nutritional and metabolic status of children with autism, including improvements in methylation, glutathione, oxidative stress, sulfation, ATP, NADH, and NADPH. The supplement group had significantly greater improvements than did the placebo group on the PGI-R Average Change. This suggests that a vitamin/mineral supplement is a reasonable adjunct therapy to consider for most children and adults with autism.
Since this supplement has been embraced by doctors, parents and patients alike, you can rest assured that the nutrients in Simple Spectrum is not only safe, but effective for encouraging healthy brain development.
Our Goals: Change the Supplement World For the Better & Change the Standards
One thing that is very important to us is third-party testing, which means an independent organization has reviewed the product and determined that it complies with standards for safety and quality. When a product is third-party tested, you can trust the ingredients and intended outcomes. Unfortunately in the supplement world this is not the norm. Simple Spectrum Supplement is GMP certified by NSF.
We want people to start looking more closely at nutrition and nutrient deficits. We offer resources, such as our website and Facebook community for people to learn more about the nutritional needs of the developing brain. Studies have shown there is a clear link between behaviour and nutrition.
Now in stock in South Africa. Simple Spectrum Solutions SA wanted this product to be available in South Africa for our South African families. We wanted to save parents the hassle, time and money to import t and ship he product from the US, whilst at the same time ensure stock is available here, to ensure those nutritional gaps are always filled.
Studies show that the developing brains of children have specific nutritional needs, which is why we designed Simple Spectrum. We know that it’s difficult to encourage healthy food choices in kids, so we decided to fill in the vitamin and mineral gaps to give you peace of mind; you can rest assured your child is getting the important nutrition for brain health, even if they forget to eat their veggies today. Simple Spectrum is in a powder form and can be added to food and drinks your child loves. Healthy relationships with food and balanced meals remain important, but we wanted to make sure all the nutritional gaps are filled.
Simple Spectrum is designed to help your child grow and play in their healthiest way. We want to help kids be the best version of themselves. We also want the best for your family and know that some children are sensitive to additives, so we made our formula extra gentle and to exacting quality standards.
Our Message
Studies show that the developing brains of children have specific nutritional needs, which is why we designed Simple Spectrum. We know that it’s difficult to encourage healthy food choices in kids, so we decided to fill in the vitamin and mineral gaps to give you peace of mind; you can rest assured your child is getting the important nutrition for brain health, even if they forget to eat their veggies today. Simple Spectrum is in a powder form and can be added to food and drinks your child loves. Healthy relationships with food and balanced meals remain important, but we wanted to make sure all the nutritional gaps are filled.
Simple Spectrum is designed to help your child grow and play in their healthiest way. We want to help kids be the best version of themselves. We also want the best for your family and know that some children are sensitive to additives, so we made our formula extra gentle and to exacting quality standards.
A final word
Simple Spectrum was designed with our kids with sensory needs in mind and is an unflavored dissolvable powder without gluten, casein, added sugar, soy, binding agents, artificial colors, preservatives, GMOs and dairy. This product also contains all the vitamins and minerals we often find deficient in children with ASD and ADHD.
The highest quality vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in the most bioavailable forms – It really is quite simple.
Visit the Simple Spectrum Solutions SA Website