Aspergers School

Children with Aspergers may be only mildly affected, and they frequently have good language and cognitive skills. Parents looking for a aspergers school for their asperger’s child have many things to consider when deciding on the best Aspergers School. If you weren’t trained then you would struggle to identify a child with Aspergers. They may just seem like a neurotypical child behaving differently. This makes it so much harder for parents when deciding on the best Aspergers School and a way forward for their education.

Children with autism can be  viewed as aloof and uninterested in others. This is not the case with Aspergers. Individuals with Aspergers usually want to fit in and have interaction with others, but often they don’t know how to do it.  Finding the right Aspergers School to help them with these social deficits is important.  They may be socially awkward, not understand conventional social rules or show a lack of empathy. They may have limited eye contact, seem unengaged in a conversation and not understand the use of gestures or sarcasm. This is why the right Aspergers School offering the best program to address these issues will go a long way in addressing these deficits and challenges.

Individuals with Aspergers have interests in a particular subject  which may border on the obsessive. Children with Aspergers often like to collect categories of things, such as dinosaurs or items specific to a movie they like most. They may be proficient in things like categories of information, such as baseball statistics or names of the planets. They may have good rote memory skills but struggle with abstract concepts and shades of grey. An Aspergers School where the missing skills can be addressed and where the team can focus on extending an Aspergers individual’s areas of interests and reducing certain obsessions will contribute significantly to their overall functioning.

One of the major differences between Aspergers  and autism is that, there is no speech delay in Aspergers. This is another reason parents find it challenging to identifiy the right Aspergers School for their children.  In fact, children with Aspergers  often have good language skills; they simply use language in different ways. An Aspergers school would work on speech patterns which may be unusual, lack inflection or have a rhythmic nature, or may be formal, but too loud or high-pitched. Children with Aspergers  may not understand the subtleties of language, such as sarcasm and humor, or they may not understand the give-and-take nature of a conversation. An Aspergers School which can help these children learn the language they need to become more successful in a conversation is very valuable.

Diagnosis of Aspergers  has increased over the years, although it is unclear whether it is more prevalent or more professionals are detecting it. When Aspergers and autism were considered separate disorders under the DSM-IV, the symptoms for Aspergers  were the same as those listed for autism; however, children with Aspergers do not have delays in the area of communication and language. In fact, to be diagnosed with Aspergers, a child must have normal language development as well as normal intelligence. The DSM-IV criteria for Aspergers specified that the individual must have “severe and sustained impairment in social interaction, and the development of restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests and activities that must cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning.” Helping these individuals to integrate into society is possible and there are many Aspergers Schools and education facilities which successfully cater for the needs of Aspergers individuals.