A Behaviour Intervention Plan (BIP) is a step-by-step guide on managing challenging behaviour.


1. Operational definition.

This is a detailed description of what the challenging behaviour looks like. For example: tantrum behaviour, aggression, escape.

2. Function.

This is the reason the challenging behaviour is occurring. The function of a behaviour can be for attention, escape, access to a tangible or automatic. Once the function is identified it is possible to address the challenging behaviour through teaching skill acquistion and appropriate replacement behaviour. This is how we work on reducing challenging behaviours.

3. Antecedent modifications.

This is a preventative measure listed in the BIP to avoid challenging behavior. It involves teaching skill acquisition or putting support in place such as a visual schedule, a timer or another way for the child to communicate their needs.

4. Replacement behaviour.

This describes what skills we are teaching the child to engage in so that they no longer need to rely on challenging behaviour to communicate.

5. Consequence manipulation.

This intervention is used to minimize reinforcement of problem behaviours. It is also relied on to increase reinforcement for desirable behaviour. It involves redirecting the child to respond differently and ultimately is aimed at changing the child’s challenging behavior.

6. BIP measurement.

The most common ways to measure challenging behaviour are RATE (how often the behaviour is occurring on average per hour) and DURATION (how long the behaviour lasts). It’s important to measure the behaviour so that we know for sure that the behaviour is decreasing over time and that the BIP is having the desirable outcome.