Schools for autistic children

The rising number of autistic children is a worrying factor to say the least. The reason why it’s a worrying factor is because the facilities available for autistic children. In an era where education is key in almost all sectors of living, it becomes key to find the right schooling facilities. This being said autistic children don’t have a wide variety of choice to choose from. So what are the school options for autistic children? Well there are special need schools, remedial schools, and care centre type of schooling. However these are not the ideal type of schools for autistic children. As is known autistic children need the proper guidance, care and love, for them to flourish. Without the proper guidance children with autism will not reach their full potential. As there are no specific schools for autism children, there are specific school that take in autistic children. These schools are a great help as they help bridge the gap in educational level in which a child is capable of reaching. So what is the option, as it stands special schools accommodate autistic children. These schools cater to autistic children by providing the educational factor at a pace that is suitable to child. There is also the option of remedial schools; here it becomes tricky, as remedial schools cater to children to get on to par with mainstream schooling. Some autistic children can fit in to remedial schools; however majority of autistic children will not cope fully in that environment. There is also another factor to consider for schools for autistic children, and that is government and private special schooling. On a government level the options of special needs facilities is wide, however the inclusion of autistic children in these schools are limited, as they have to see to specific needs of other children. In a private school setting they are more inclusive of autistic children, and they are able to cater to the other special needs children as well. This then draws the point of how availability of private special schooling, as these schools are expensive and not widely available to all autistic children. Another factor to consider is that even in special schools there is still not the one on one bases that children with autism need, as one on one bases provides more therapy based as well as help to achieve more goals with one on one bases. That being said autistic children also need to be in an environment that provides the positivity and the individuals working with autistic children need to provide the children with love care and their 100% effort. Hence schools for autistic children need to improve and help become more aware of what is needed for autistic children and provide them with the much needed care. Every child is special and autistic children are even more special, they need all the love care and full support that they are surrounded by, especially with the people who teach them on a daily basis.